Cookies Policy


This article provides certain information relating to the use of cookies by the Site. It informs you about the origin and use of the browsing information processed during your session on the Site and your rights.

In application of the applicable Regulations and Directive 2022/58/EC of 12 July 2020, you must be informed and give your consent prior to the insertion of cookies. You have the option of choosing not to be tracked when visiting the Site. It is nevertheless specified that, in accordance with applicable regulations, certain cookies are exempt from obtaining this consent, such as cookies that are necessary for operation of the Site.


A cookie is a small text file that can be saved on the User's terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), when consulting a website, reading an email, installing or using software or a mobile application.

There are two types of cookies:

  • First-party cookies: these cookies are used by ZILLI for browsing and site operation purposes. These cookies also provide information to ZILLI for statistical or advertising purposes, mainly to personalise your browsing by remembering your preferences;
  • Third-party cookies: these cookies are placed by third-party partner companies in order to identify your interests and to send you personalised offers or allow you to share content on social networks. These third-party cookies are directly managed by the companies that publish them and must comply with European data protection regulations.



Cookies that may be stored on your device when you visit pages of the Site are issued by ZILLI and/or third parties. Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

ZILLI uses the following cookies:

  • Technical cookies relating to functionalities of the Site (strictly necessary)

These cookies are essential for proper functioning of our Site and are exempt from consent as intended in regulations. These cookies allow you to browse the Site, use its features and save your preferences (such as the language used, access to your account, products added to the shopping cart), and to secure the Site against possible fraud.

  • Cookies for audience measurement on the Site (analysis)

These cookies allow us to produce aggregated and anonymous statistics relating to the frequency of use of our services (e.g. number of visits, pages viewed, time spent on the service, region of connection, type of device used, etc.). These cookies help improve the performance, functionality and services offered to you. This data does not contain and is not associated with any nominative information.

  • Cookies relating to your preferences (functional)

These cookies allow us to track and control your exposure and interactions with content or advertisements on our services. They help us identify what information might be most of interest to you in order to provide you with a tailored and personalised editorial experience based on your interests, particularly in the context of the newsletters we send you.

This data may be associated with information that you have provided when registering for one of our services in order to perfect the personalisation of your content, services and newsletters.

  • Targeting cookies (advertising)

In the same way as personalisation cookies, these cookies allow us to track and control your exposure and interactions with content or advertisements on our services. They help us identify what information might be most of interest to you in order to provide you with a tailored and personalised advertising experience based on your interests.

This data may be associated with information you provided when registering for one of our services in order to improve the personalisation of your ads and prospecting messages.

  • Social media cookies 

These cookies are used to allow you to connect to the Site via social networks, such as Facebook, Google and other third-party sites.



Cookies that may be stored on your device when you visit pages of the Site are issued by ZILLI and/or third parties. Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

The cookies stored by ZILLI related to functioning of the Site are strictly necessary to provide an online communication service at your express request, are not subject to your prior consent. Storing or reading of these cookies is necessary for use of the Site or services, and is based on the legitimate interests of ZILLI to implement the processing to ensure proper functioning of its Site.

The cookies stored by ZILLI for browsing or audience measurement, statistics and marketing purposes are subjetc to your prior consent.

In accordance with regulations in effect resulting from the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), the User may choose the retention period of the information sent to Google Analytics before its automatic deletion. This choice can be modified at any time through the cookie setting mechanism directly accessible on the Site.

Upon expiration of the chosen duration or the one applied by default, the data is deleted automatically.


Here is the list of cookies stored by ZILLI and classified per category :




1.4 cookie settings

ZILLI obtains your prior consent for the storage of cookies for advertising, audience measurement, personalisation and sharing to social networks.

Therefore, the storage of cookies on your terminal depends on your choice, except for technical cookies relating to functioning of the Site.

Please note that your choices will be kept by ZILLI for a maximum of 6 months.



1.4.1. Configuring your browser software

You can disable cookies on your own by adjusting your browser settings. However, by disabling certain cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of the Site.

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different, and is described in the "Help" menu of your browser.






1.4.2. Setting cookies with a tool offered by ZILLI

As soon as you go to the Site (home page or secondary page), you are informed by the appearance of a banner:

  • Of the precise purposes of the cookies used;
  • Of your ability to refuse or accept, in whole or in part, storage of these cookies and to change the settings by clicking on a link in the banner.

To access the list of stored cookies and to configure storage of them, click here.

Please note that disabling some or all browsing cookies may limit operation and performance of the Site and/or limit access to some of its services and features.



Cookies stored on your terminal and exempt from your consent are valid for a maximum of 13 months; this period is not extended automatically during new visits to the Site.

Cookies stored on your device and requiring your consent are valid for a maximum of 6 months. At the end of this period, your consent must be obtained again.

At the end of these periods, the Personal Data collected relating to the storage of cookies will be deleted.



ZILLI uses cookies for which you can view the data protection policy to configure the parameters for cookies:

ZILLI uses Google Analytics audience measurement cookies that can be configured at the following address: